FebBREWary - We got a lot of stuff cookin’

It’s your favorite marketing agency’s partially informative newsletter. Get ready!

February Solstice: The 21st Agency Newsletter

Welcome to the shortest, fastest, most chaotic month of the year: February.  Our celebrations are at an all time high.  So much so, that we even added a “joy bell.”

Check out what the team has been doing since we saw you last, buckle up!

What We’ve Been Up To

We launched a beautiful new website for Lemonrock Motorcycle Tours this month after five months of hard work from the team to get this travel agency’s online experience justttttt right.  Check out their impressive new online home.

And, they came to visit us in Tampa from their Boston HQ.  Shoutout to the team!

After redesigning their new website a few months back, we launched a new ad campaign for Canna Doctors of America to help drive additional traffic for new client sign-ups, and we saw an increase of 140%!

New Clients - we’ve got ‘em

As if there was any confusion about our love for dogs, we are so excited to announce our latest client is making all our dreams come true.  Welcome aboard Woof Gang Bakery & Grooming!

We’ve also got another impressive new client making moves, Neighborhood Kids.  We will be kicking off their brand workshop to help tell their story - showcasing their true identity. 

We’re very HOPPY to say we’ve got our eyes set on an exciting new client - it’s top secret, but maybe you can guess based on this pouuuurly worded announcement.

We Get Around

Florida saw snow!  Brittany’s hometown of Pensacola got over 7 inches of snow this month! 

Christian is growing mini-cucumbers.

It was Ally & Katie’s birthday this month!

We also welcomed our newest intern to the team, Carola!  She comes to us by way of the University of Tampa, Marketing Major, and is excited to jump in and get started this month.

Industry Updates

Kids these days.  We’ve been keeping up to date on the trends.  Check out this month’s Social Pulse - and download it here.

Here are some of our favorites:

Favorite trends

Things We Love

Songs we’ve got on repeat

Christian: Hundred Mile High 

Pets & Plants

Follow along on our adventures on our Instagram & TikTok!